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Category: Marketing and Branding (Page 3 of 13)

marketing, branding, advertising, promotion, positioning, strategy, business

So You’re Thinking about Quitting Your Job …

I am going to change. I am going to leave everything behind. I’m going to burn my bridges. I’m going to follow my heart from now on, even if I have a price to pay. Of course, I was supported by my family and my wife. She said ‘yes, let’s do it, even if everybody tells us that nobody can make a living out of writing. But let’s take this risk, because otherwise, you can have everything, but you will be unhappy.'” – best-selling author Paulo Coelho to Krista Tippett, On Being

If you’ve ever thought about quitting your job, know that you’re not alone.

And if you’ve ever been serious about quitting your job but held on to it anyway, know that a career transition coach can help!

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Facebook Ad Targeting by Hashtag: Context Matters

I expect you’ve seen ad targeting by hashtag. If you’ve not got your own example top of mind, you will if you start looking. Leave a comment below or tweet me up if you have.

My recent example started with a short afternoon walk outside my office. Yesterday, I saw an odd scene in a nearby park, so I shot and shared it.

sweatpants, tree, Colorado Springs, Instagram, ethanbeute

The image went up on Instagram with this description:

“#Sweatpants in a #tree. #Really.”

The intent of the image is to conjure either a comical or a sordid story for its viewers.

The image is generally unfavorable toward sweatpants; it doesn’t likely produce sweatpants-desiring thoughts or behaviors.

But … Continue reading

Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak on Kurzweil’s Singularity, Moore’s Law, Education, Google, and More

In early February, BombBomb, the video email marketing software company I’m helping build, was honored with an award at the Celebrate Technology event.  The Colorado Springs Business Journal, Peak Venture Group, Colorado Springs Technology Incubator, Regional Business Alliance, and several other organizations helped produce a great evening at Pinery on the Hill on the west side of Colorado Springs.

Featured guest: Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, The Woz

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Corporate Social Responsibility Is Neither Charity Nor Philanthropy

I enjoy following Reason & its Editor in Chief, Nick Gillespie. I often agree with and appreciate their takes and observations.

Reason’s Slogan: “Free Minds & Free Markets”

And while it hammers the obvious point that an unprofitable business can serve no one in the long run, a recent Gillespie piece published by Time misses a critical aspect of CSR (corporate social responsibility).

Editorial’s Title: “Dear Apple and Chipotle: It’s Hard To Be Socially Responsible When You’re Dead” (story here)
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If It’s Noticed, It’s Marketing: Seth Godin on On Being

“(Peter Drucker) reduced the purpose of a business to the logically elegant phrase: to create a customer.  In doing so, he elevated marketing, which is all about creating and connecting with customers, to ‘a central dimension of the entire business.’  Drucker thus set the stage for Regis McKenna’s ‘marketing is everything and everyone is a marketer’ argument.”  (“The Four Pillars of Profit-Driven Marketing” by Moeller, Landry, & Kinni of Booz & Company, p44)

The same weekend I read these words, I listened to a wonderful conversation between Seth Godin and On Being‘s Krista Tippett.  Because her show is about religion, meaning, ethics, and ideas, the conversation brought out Godin’s theses in a slightly different way.

25 minutes in, Godin suggests “Whether or not you choose to be a marketer, you are one.”  It connected immediately, as did many moments throughout the edited hour.

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