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Tag: Colorado (Page 2 of 3)

Chair Socks: When You Absolutely Must Buy More Stuff

Apparently, the urge to live your life with style has come to this: socks for your chairs.

This may not be new, but it’s new to me.  It can’t really be called “conspicuous consumption,” because you don’t carry your chairs on your arm like you might a $1,000 purse.  I’ll call it “ridiculous consumption.”

I’m good with style.  I’m good with design.  I’m good with new ideas.  I’m good with entrepreneurs – they’re our best bet for an economically better tomorrow.

I’m not so good with the perishable, fleeting and often silly nature of fashion.  I’m terrible with having to buy more stuff so badly that you’d pull out a credit card for socks … for your chairs.

Chris and Ruby, Chris & Ruby, Chair Socks, socks for your chair

Socks: What You and Your Chairs Never Knew They Never Needed (Photo:

I did buy a pack of pads for the bottom of some of my chairs for $5 at Bed Bath and Beyond; they prevent my chairs from scratching the floor.

I did not buy a set of four chair socks from for $20.  At that price, socking up your dining room would cost $80-160, depending how many you seat.

If you absolutely must spend money, please consider other options, because there are people who live within a 5 mile radius of your home that need socks more than your chairs do.

Here in Colorado Springs, the Colorado Springs Independent’s IndyGive! campaign just fired back up – colorful, fun, incentivized and wonderful.  Later this month, the Gazette-El Pomar Empty Stocking Fund campaign begins again; this campaign is run in several other cities, too.  Both benefit a wide variety of non-profits on all kinds of missions to make life better for all of us here in the Pikes Peak region.

About what do you care?  How can you improve your own life by improving others’ lives?  Is there a person, organization or idea you appreciate that could use a little boost?

Most of us buy things we don’t really need, but instead simply want.  That’s OK.  But I’m drawing the line at chair socks.

Pikes Peak: Second Time’s Most Charming

Spring snow melt is producing seasonal streams down the high east slopes of Pikes Peak.  The alpine tundra is greening and blooming.  With perfect weather and good, unexpected company, my second round trip hike of Pikes Peak by Barr Trail was the best summit experience yet.

Pikes Peak, Barr Trail, treeline, timberline, photo, self-portrait, self

Self-timer near the A-Frame Timberline Shelter, Barr Trail, Pikes Peak

I pulled into the parking lot off Ruxton over the Hydro Plant immediately behind a guy in a Toyota Tundra.  As we were both getting our stuff together, he asked if I was heading to the summit and if I’d ever done so.  I answered in the affirmative to both questions, prompting his follow-up: can we hike up together.  He wasn’t so keen on my idea of starting the hike on the Incline, but he decided it’d provide a good challenge and cool story.

(Aside: committing to spend the entire morning with a complete stranger may seem striking, but it’s not.  My rationale: we’re both in the parking lot at the bottom of Barr Trail at 4:45am – we’ve definitely got enough in common to carry 5 or 6 hours of conversation!)

Just like that, Jay and I were headed up the mountain.

We’d probably have made it to Barr Camp a half hour or 45 minutes faster, but Jay tweaked one of his calves on the Incline and it kept seizing up on him.  He worked through it nicely and we kept a nice pace the rest of the way.

I love the mountain, the people and the culture of the place, but where Pikes Peak by Barr Trail really gets great is at the Ghost Forest a bit above Barr Camp.  Next is the A Frame Timberline Shelter, followed by a climb up to a broad, bouldered bench.  For its beautiful alpine tundra and wild granite figures, my favorite part of the hike is around the 3-miles-out mark (progress is all very well marked).  Once the trail switches on a long, southerly crossing of the east face of the mountain, you’re treated to a couple nice looks into the 1,500-feet-deep Cirque.  A few mouths full of diesel exhaust from the Cog train let you know you’re close to the destination.  The “16 Golden Stairs” are the final switchbacks before the summit, where a zoo awaits.

Pikes Peak, Barr Trail

Greening, blooming tundra and granite figures make this my favorite part of Barr Trail, two or three miles shy of the summit.

Jay wasn’t hiking round trip, as he had a 5pm commitment far across town.  I hung out at the summit house while Jay lined up a ride down with a family from Kansas City.  We thanked each other for what was certainly a mutually positive experience.

The hike down was marked with a nice Father’s Day phone call with my wife, son and father, all of whom are in Michigan at the moment.  Passing through Barr Camp, there was a little to-do about a huge black bear that’s been hanging around this spring.  I also took a little more time to shoot some photos than I did on the way up (example: the stands of Columbine just above the Fremont Experimental Forest were in the shadows on ascent, but lit on the way down).

It was a fantastic 12-hour day throughout which I became more fond and more familiar with my “home court” hike.  Pikes Peak and Barr Trail don’t get much love from the serious hiking and climbing community (my impression), so I’ll share it in abundance.  I aspire to return annually, maybe at different times of the season.

Random Notes

I really felt great all day – never weak, tired or sore.  That said, I woke up pretty tight on Monday morning!

The summit is not the best part of Pikes Peak.  The views are nice, but not nearly as fine as those on many, many other mountain tops or as those from elsewhere on the mountain.

To enjoy the finest part of the experience in a way that doesn’t require as long or high a climb, I recommend you drive to the summit and hike down three or four miles.  Sure, you’ll have to hike back up, but you’ll have walked the finest part of Barr Trail.

By starting the hike on the Incline, you knock off a mile or mile and a half in distance and put 2,000 feet of the 7,500 foot climb behind you.

Tedious Lists


  • Parking lot 4:45am
  • Start of Incline 5am
  • Barr Camp 7:15 or 7:30am
  • Summit 11:15am
  • Depart summit 12:15pm
  • Back at parking lot 4:45pm

Beverages drunk:

  • 3 liters of water
  • 1 32oz Gatorade (Fruit Punch-Berry)
  • 1 16oz Gatorade (Lemon Lime, purchased at summit at 250% of normal retail price)

Snacks thrown down:

Albums to which I pop/rocked down the mountain:


My Flickr photo set of the marathon round trip summit hike of Pikes Peak by Barr Trail is here.  Click “Slideshow” to see them in sequence.

The 2009 Pikes Peak Atlas by Ormes and Houdek is here.

Previous blog post with more details about Barr Trail and Pikes Peak is here.

I’m obviously extremely fond of Pikes Peak.  If you have any questions about the mountain or the hike, please Connect with me about it.

Pikes Peak: Gleeful Ignorance vs Mental Challenge

Tomorrow, I’ll day-hike Barr Trail to the summit of Pikes Peak and back down for the second time.  This hike, however, already feels different.

My first ascent was undertaken in gleeful ignorance just three weeks after moving to Colorado Springs.

  • Sure, I knew I’d be hiking about 25 or 26 miles round trip to the top of “America’s Mountain,” the inspiration for the writing of “America the Beautiful.”
  • Yeah, I knew it would require most of my waking hours that day.
  • Absolutely, I was up for a walk up through three distinct ecological life zones (Montane, Spruce-fir and alpine).

It wasn’t until I hiked up alongside of JJ, a 20-something from Denver who’s in the Colorado Mountain Club, about 5 miles up that I really understood the accomplishment of day-hiking it.  The young man filled me in.

Pikes Peak, Barr Trail, 14er, mountain, summit, hike, peak, Colorado, Colorado Springs, Manitou Springs

First summit hike of Pikes Peak by Barr Trail, September 2006

Pikes Peak by Barr Trail is marathon-length, the longest approach of any of Colorado’s famed 14ers (+14,000 peaks).  It also has the greatest elevation gain of any approach; from the trailhead in Manitou Springs to the summit, you climb approximately 7,500 vertical feet.

Among more than 50 qualifying Colorado peaks, Pikes ranks 30th at 14,110ft above sea level.  So, it’s not even close to being the highest.

It’s also not the most technical.  In fact, it’s probably the least technical.  Barr Trail is a Class 1 walk-up, about as simple a summit hike as you’ll find.

It’s also insanely civilized.  To call Barr Trail heavily used is a gross understatement, even by 14er standards.  There’s Barr Camp halfway up, where many hikers spend the night, purchase t-shirts, eat a pancake breakfast or pick up a bottled drink.  The summit itself is a tourist’s delight, designed to satisfy all those who drive up the Pikes Peak Highway or ride up the Pikes Peak Cog Railway.  In addition to a huge gift shop, replete with the requisite “Got Oxygen” t-shirts, summit house offers a snack bar and fresh donut stand.  Note: in addition to hiking it, I’ve been up by (rental) car and by cog railway.

So, what’s the difference between my initial go at it and what I’m preparing for tomorrow?  I don’t keep a list, but I’d guess I’ve climbed a couple dozen mountains since my day-hike of Pikes Peak.  So what’s the big deal?

I’ll call it the mental aspect of endurance.  It’s a little more in my head now.  I’m thinking too much about it.  It’s shaping up as more of a mental challenge than a physical one.

It’s going to be a long day – probably 12 or 13 hours of hiking.  I’m going to start before sunrise.  I’m certain to have blisters by the end of the day (even though I plan to switch between shoes and boots near treeline).

I’m not going up the much shorter Crags route on the west side of the mountain.  I’m not splitting the hike in half with by staying overnight at Barr Camp.  I’m not hiking up, then catching a ride back down in a car or on the train.

Instead, I’m heading up as fast as I can, buying a Gatorade in the summit house, seeing how full the parking lot is, then hauling all the way back down and out (the hike down’s different, but it isn’t easy).  I’m already wondering how tired and sore I might be as I head in to work on Monday morning.

To feel a little more prepared, I put on my boots and a full pack and did The Incline this morning.  And to think … last time, I simply decided on a Thursday afternoon that Saturday’s weather looked good, so I should head up that mountain in my back yard.

All kinds of Pikes Peak photos from my Flickr photo stream are here.

From Anonymous Appreciation to Personal Invitation

A quick follow up to the last post about a vibrant painting by a local artist hanging at the Pioneers Museum in downtown Colorado Springs.

I brought the post to the attention of the artist, Tracy Felix.  We had a short email exchange in which he shared a few additional images and gave me insight into his creative and production processes.

In some cases he works from his own photographs, as well as postcards and photos from others.  In other cases he works strictly from imagination, informed by decades of hiking, skiing and exploring our area.

Here is an example of the former, a new painting from a recent trip to Durango:

Grenadier, range, mountains, Colorado, Molas Lake, Durango, Ouray, peaks, lake, nature, painting, fine art, Tracy Felix, Denver

The Grenadier Range from Molas Lake by Tracy Felix

Here’s an example of the latter, an imagined scene generated from the general idea or concept of “northern New Mexico”:

img class=”size-large wp-image-605″ title=”Along the Rio Grande” src=”×1024.jpg” alt=”Rio Grande, Colorado, New Mexico, fine art, painting, Tracy Felix, Denver, art, artist” width=”534″ height=”725″ />

Along the Rio Grande by Tracy Felix

The point of this post: rather than simply enjoying a painting at a local treasure of a museum, I decided to shoot a couple photos and write a brief piece about it.  From that limited initiative, I received more insight into the person and the process behind the images, images of three additional paintings not in the online gallery, information about a current showing of work by him and his wife, Sushe, and a standing, informal invitation to the Felix’s home and studio.  I think that’s wonderful.

Here’s the third image I received; it’s inspired by the La Plata mountains in the San Juan range near Durango:

La Platas, La Plata mountains, Colorado, painting, Durango, art, fine art, artist, Tracy Felix, Denver

La Platas by Tracy Felix

Here’s a Denver Post feature from July 2008 about Tracy and Sushe Felix.

Local History, Local Artist and Landscape Art

Three things I truly enjoy intersect just 2 miles from our home: local history, a local artist and landscape art.

Physically, they intersect at Tejon and Vermijo in downtown Colorado Springs.

The Pioneers Museum is dedicated to local history, including the settlement and development of the Colorado Springs area.  Its home is the former El Paso County Courthouse; one of the exhibits is a fully restored courtroom.  It used to be open from 10am-5pm every day of the week, but the city budget is an absolute wreck.  It’s always free to the public and absolutely worth a visit by locals and visitors alike.

The Pioneers Museum, downtown Colorado Springs, Colorado, history museum, local history

The Pioneers Museum in downtown Colorado Springs is housed in the former El Paso County Courthouse

One of my favorite exhibits is “Looming Large: The Artistic Legacy of Pikes Peak,” which was developed during the 2006 bicentennial of Zebulon Montgomery Pike’s expedition up the southwestern slopes of America’s Mountain.  It’s a room filled with various artistic renderings of the mountain that now bears Pike’s name.  One painting truly stands out from the rest and earns prominent placement.

Pioneers Museum, entrance to Looming Large exhibit

Entrance to the Looming Large exhibit at the Pioneers Museum

The oil painting is “Pikes Peak 2004” by Tracy Felix, who grew up and worked as an artist in Colorado Springs.  Within the past few years, he and his wife, artist Sushe Felix, moved to Denver.

Pikes Peak 2004 by Tracy Felix, Colorado Springs, painting, artist, oil painting

Pikes Peak 2004 by Tracy Felix

Perhaps for my love of mountains, wilderness and trails, I’ve always favored landscape photography and landscape painting over most other artistic forms.  Fold in the fact that the artist is local and the subject is Colorado mountains and I’m all in.

The style here is obviously bright, playful and inviting.  Though this treatment of Pikes Peak is relatively straightforward, much of his other work is a bit more abstract.

His work hangs at the Denver Art Museum, the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center and the Sangre de Cristo Arts & Conference Center in Pueblo, among other places.

Here’s a sampling of Felix’s treatment of other Colorado landmarks.

Tracy Felix, painting, fine art, Black Canyon of the Gunnison, Mount Yale, Maroon Bells

Black Canyon of the Gunnison, Mount Yale, Maroon Bells

Tracy Felix, painting, oil painting, fine art, Sangres, Sangre de Cristo, mountain range, Longs Peak

Longs Peak, Sangre de Cristo Mountains

With this post, I simply wanted to draw your attention to a few things I enjoy that happen to intersect.

Related Links:

Pioneers Museum: home

Pioneers Museum: about

Pioneers Museum: exhibits

Pioneers Museum: photos from my Flickr stream

Tracy Felix: artist statement

Tracy Felix: gallery


Positive Outcome from Dubious Marketing Ploy

A note on a dubious markeing ploy …

I’m “friends” with Colorado Governor Bill Ritter on Facebook.  I’m not sure how or when this happened, but, as a positive consequence, I get some useful info about goings-on at the state level.  Because of this “relationship,” I was treated to this in my Facebook News Feed yesterday morning:

Zeitgeist Movement Colorado tags Governor Bill Ritter on Facebook

Zeitgeist Movement Colorado tags Governor Bill Ritter

Like many of his 4,868 other “friends,” I watched the video out of curiosity alone.  “We are all connected” … sounds interesting!

As it turns out, the Governor appeared nowhere in this video, which was a fascinating production – particularly the audio mix.  Among those who did appear, probably without their knowledge or permission, were Bill Nye the Science Guy, Neil deGrasse Tyson (PBS), Carl Sagan and Richard Fenynman.  The video became repetitive, running about 2:00 too long.

Obviously, the tagging of the Governor by a member of the movement was a tactic to get attention – a “spray and pray” effort to cast a message as widely as possible by whatever means available with the hope that a target will be struck.  The downside: this runs against new, targeted, permission-based marketing principles.  The lamentable upside: it actually works …  I’m writing about it right now (!?).

So what is this Zeitgeist Movement that made its way into my consciousness by way of a dubious marketing ploy?  They seem to have semi-laudable but wildly impractical goals/ideals.  They call for a “sustainable social design” built on a “resource-based economy.”  Those are nice-sounding phrases.  It’s all based on the life’s work of industrial designer and social engineer Jaques Fresco.

I say it’s “laudable” because their critique of the status quo is harsh, highlighting the ugliest things about the way we live, work and “prosper.”  Also laudable are emphases on: world as singular organism, humans as singlular family, dependence upon healthy environment, natural processes, and the scientific method.  Per their intro video, they endorse the “humane application of science and technology to social design and decision making.”

I judge it “impractical” because it seeks a complete and fundamental redesign of all the world’s social and economic structures; its coming to pass seems wholly impossible given human nature.

In hindsight, I’m glad my Facebook News Feed was “hijacked” by a fallacious video tag.

They’re “out there.”  They’re disconnected in nearly every way from mainstream thought.  They’re imagining an experience, even existence, here on earth completely unlike what it is today.  I expect that this separation from mainstream is a primary reason they resort to such tactics.

A positive outcome: they reminded me of something valuable.  We owe it to ourselves to consider every now and again how our fellow human beings are thinking and dreaming differently.

I never endorse such tactics, but I always endorse thinking, dreaming and listening.

Here’s their US homepage:  Zeitgeist Movement

Here’s a video introduction:  Zeitgeist Movement

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